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Taking Action

Anytime a character is performing an action they could reasonably fail at, a stat check will be performed by the GM. These numbers are not made public when rolled, but situations where a roll was made will be marked in checkpoints with a die symbol. These numbers can always be shared with players upon request, however!
When an action is taken, the GM will roll a 20 sided die, or a d20, to see if the character succeeds or fails. This raw number is then added to the character's stat modifier for the stat being used. For example, climbing would roll Strength, perception would roll Intelligence, jumping would roll Dexterity, persuasion would roll Charisma,  and running would roll Speed.

Stat Modifiers

Player Stat                   Modifier

      0                             -3

      1                             -2

      2                             -2

      3                             -1

      4                             -1

      5                              0

      6                            +1

      7                            +1

      8                            +2

      9                            +2

     10                           +3

Actions in Combat

Notes on combat

When a player makes an attack, there are three kinds of attacks which can be made. What kind of attack you are making must be made clear in your post, or else a GM will choose for you. Be sure to be clear so the stat you want to be used is rolled for your attack!


Heavy attack: a hard hitting attack! This rolls Strength


Quick attack: a fast, agile attack! This rolls Dexterity 


Magic attack: you attack using your powers! This rolls the stat associated with your soul color. For example, a black soul would roll charisma and a blue soul would roll speed.

There are other actions you can take in combat that don't involve attacks, as well! In combat you may spend your turn:


Dodging: Trying to avoid incoming attacks! This rolls dexterity. The next attack towards you is less likely to hit on a success and will do less damage if it does.


Running away: Running from the fight, either entirely or from one attack. This rolls speed. The next attack towards you is less likely to hit on a success and will do less damage if it does.

How much damage an attack does is based upon how high the associated stat to the attack is. For example, a character with a 10 in strength would do a lot of damage on a hit with a strong attack, but a character with a 0 in strength will do much less, even if they do hit.


Critical hits and critical fails are also a mechanic, though will be seen mostly behind the scenes. When an attack critically hits, the target will take double the damage. When an attack critically fails, expect there to be in character consequences for your attack!


HP is not a viable stat to players in What Remains, and is something only known specifically by the GMs. Each player has 100 hit points, but rather then the exact number of hit points you have left being told to the player, the player will be informed of ranges explained through how your character is feeling. After all, a character will not know in reality exactly how close they are to being incapacitated, only approximately!


The different health levels are as follows:


In good health: when you have more than 80% of your HP

Weary: When you have between 50 and 79% of your HP

Injured: when you have between 20 and 49% of your HP

Exhausted: when you have between 19 and 1% of your HP

Incapacitated: When you have 0 HP. You are unconscious, and cannot act for 5 posts, including checkpoints. When you wake, you will be Exhausted. You will not start the next chapter at full HP.

Death is a true possibility in this game. While hitting zero HP a single time will not kill your character outright, recklessness in combat will have consequences, and consistent recklessness may result in your death.


Players will be informed if their character's life is on the line.


If your character dies there will be no second chances.

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