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Mutations are nothing new within the pollution filled world, often seen as gifts or curses depending who you ask. Very few have been lucky enough to be born without one within this world. The curse of the real world seems to have followed you within the dreams of the gods. Your souls have awakened, and with the pollution of the real world seeping into the dreams of the gods through broken cracks, and mixing with the awakening of your soul, you may come to notice changes upon yourself. These changes may be basic, an eye color suddenly different, your pelts darkening or lightening based upon your souls color, but these changes could be much more extreme. Eyes sprouting where they should not, fangs growing too large for your mouth, scales upon your body, your very elements showing upon your body. These will all become possibility. All mutations have been noted to start small however, and gradually grow in time, to what extent depends on the subject that has begun their mutation.


General mutations

In all of my observations, animals who pair with elemental powers seem to continue to mutate further, regardless of their continued exposure to radioactive material and pollution. While some specimens have shown to mutate little to none since pairing with their element, I have found it to be quite a rare occurrence. Regardless of the element paired with, there seems to be a certain level of "common" mutations many specimens share, simply tinted to the element in which they paired. It is still unknown to us why these animals paired with elements and how, but the effects of said partnership are undeniable. Skin, fur, and iris color are extremely prone to change, the color in question seemingly aligned with the element. Those who pair with wind have been observed to change tabby stripes for windy swirls or feather shapes, and those with the power of ice have been observed to turn purple of all things. More investigation will be needed to see why certain elements seem to align with the colors they do.

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Red Souls

Specimens who have displayed the power of fire and the power of venom seem to have a great deal in common, and some specimens have been known to possess both. Yet even those who only seem to favor one element over the other may still display physical traits of both, or even the element they do not favor. Fire aligned specimens seem to take on traits of reptiles; scales, venomous fangs, snake-like tongues, and even slitted pupils in canines have been observed. Hair loss is common in these specimens, as well, be it thinning or going completely bald. In rare cases the element itself has been known to manifest physically on the body, in this case parts of the fur catching aflame, yet the fire does not seem to hurt them, and the flames have not been observed to go out. Other odd growths have been observed, though explanations of their connections currently allude us. All that can be said for sure is fire aligned specimens have a tendency towards growing horns, though never larger than a young buck in velvet, and very occasionally even spider or scorpion-like appendages. How this pairs with their otherwise reptile-like tendencies is currently under investigation.

Blue Souls

Those who aligned themselves with water seem to mutate in ways we find much more straightforward. While the tendency towards fur color and iris color remain, water aligned specimens have a tendency towards growing fish scales, as well a sparkle like substance settling in their fur. Full fish appendages such as tails and fins have also been observed, and some specimens seem to remain wet, regardless of our attempts to dry them. It is currently unclear if this is a mutation, or simply the specimen conjuring water as they are known to do. While appendages such as gill slits have been observed to grow, they do not seem to be functional, as specimens with them still come up for air when submerged in water. While some scientists have claimed these specimens warble and glimmer as if distorting the air around them, this observation has been called into doubt due to the limited number of sightings.

Green Souls

Those aligned with wind seem to align themselves with storms above all else. Their fur is known to spike and stand on end with static electricity, as well as flash and glow. True bio-luminescence has been observed in some specimens, some markings only glowing in low light, and some glowing with enough power to be clear to the eye in the day. The colors of these markings vary, but tend to be vibrant, with greens, blues and yellows being most common but other vibrant colors manifesting in select specimens. Yet the oddest mutation found among those who align with wind is the tendency toward duplicated body parts. Sensory organs such as eyes, ears, and noses being the most common, with some specimens being observed to grow dozens. Multiple tails and tails splitting would be the next most common occurrence, with up to nine tails being observed with the certainty of a living specimen. Some scientists claim more tails are possible, but these cannot be corroborated. While growing additional limbs and paws has been seen in rare cases, only one additional set has ever been seen, and the limbs seem to remain vestigial. 

Purple Souls

Those that align themselves with ice are, interestingly, are completely distinct to those that align themselves with water. Ice seems to favor the color purple, with this being the most common eye color change for this kind of specimen. Unlike any other specimen, ice aligned creatures have a chance to mutate completely solid eyes, lacking both a sclera and a pupil. Upon close enough investigation the pupil does remain intact, simply changed in shade, and vision does not seem to be affected. Ice-like protrusions from the body are extremely common, as well as frostbite sprinkled in the fur. Oddly enough, this does not seem to cause any pain or discomfort for the specimen. Many tend to grow thicker pelts, as if preparing for cold temperatures, but even those who do not don't seem bothered by the ice on their bodies. The oddest mutation yet observed has been the sprouting of crystalline structures from the body, which sparkle like gemstones. It is currently unknown how this pairs with the affinity for ice.

Black Souls

Those who align themselves with shadows are a curious group of specimens. Many of their mutations in particular focus around their eyes; some being observed as having black scleras, white pupils, and even purple clouds of energy escaping from the eye. It is also common for the eyes to become watery, leading to the tear track stains upon the fur usually associated with small dog breeds. While body parts and limbs being made of shadows is common, as is with every other element, those aligned with shadows also tend to grow more monstrous body parts, be it large claws, spade tails, or pointed sharp features like horns and teeth. Though unlike the horns found on those aligned with fire, shadow aligned horns seem to have much more variety in their shape, from long pointed horns like an antelope or curled horns like a ram. 

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